Though it sure is hard changing at this point, I do like it when they lie down across my foot, and not go up my ankle to bug me. I guess I've never worn sneakers with shorts as much as I have this summer at work.
With that out of the way, I guess I could mention some other times I've been wrong, but don't get comfortable- it will be an awfully short post! Hardy har har.
Well, getting a two month old puppy when you already have a four month old puppy because "it will be easier to housebreak them together" is not a good idea. The housebreaking was fine, but having two wily, willful husky puppies made it difficult to get through to them that humans are supposed to be the bosses.
If we ever buy another house, listen to J when he wants to offer less than full price. Duh.
Consider carefully when you try to teach your children to be questioning, caring, nature-loving, wondering, unique adults- they just might turn out to be all that and become independent people who grow up and have lives of their own, away from their parents. Just like you did.
(And of course that last one was no mistake. We wouldn't change any of them. It just stinks a little)