Friday, May 18, 2012

A Very Short Tale

J and I got to the Dr's office early Tuesday since they do blood work first come, first served, and we wanted to be first in line at 7:30. Yes, AM.  Fasting blood work to boot.


Sitting in the car, checking out their landscaping, I saw something odd.

Me: "Oh, that squirrel has no tail. Doesn't that look strange."

J: "Isn't that Dave?"

Me: "The squirrel has a name?!"

J: "What squirrel? Isn't that Dave walking by us and getting to the door first?"

When the door was unlocked, Dave held it for us, so we were still first.
 And lived happily ever after.

1 comment:

Grampa said...

Ah yes! Fasting blood tests. The joys of being early/first!!