So, orly, I say to my anonymous commenter on my previous post. "We also found out she is a he"
Now, I must admit that I did consider checking online, as I wrote that post, to see if female turtle's tails are shorter than their male counterparts, because that's what my family does. Checks facts, that is. We like to see sources and several of them if possible. In fact, orly should be our family motto. But, the person who stated it has a credible expertise in reptiles, amphibians and other watery-homed animals.
Since I have a very limited number of readers, I am fairly sure the comment is from a relative. Moreover, chances are good that it was from a limited number of relatives who were out at camp with us on Tuesday, while the snapper came to visit. Those relatives (who are not my brother, and whose husbands would be the last two people on earth, after my mother, I would expect to comment on my, or any other blog) did not dispute the 'fact' stated that it was a female turtle, because of its short tail.
Because apparently there are two giant snappers who come to be fed bread, and the shorter tailed one also has a white spot on its head. The one I photographed did indeed have a white spot on the head, and I took their word for it that the tail was short, since I had no comparison available.
Anyway, now I wonder how someone recognized the error. I have rectified my error and googled how to tell a female snapper from a male one and since the best answer seems to be to check on the underside of the tail (the male vent is near the middle of the tail, and the female's is closer to the shell) who the hell would try to do that? So, unless the two turtles were witnessed engaging in turtle relations (and it is totally the wrong time of year for that) I call shenanigans! I'm sticking with my girl tag because of the white spot on her head. And her delicate snout-lifting to grab the bread. And to anyone who wants to tell me differently, I have one thing to say.
So, are you going to be the one to tell them it was the wrong time of year?
Well we did leave them dinner, but when the smaller came in for dinner, the larger one jumped her. The one you have a picture of actually moved about 4-5 feet in about 2 seconds, scared the s**t out of me. Our resident aquatic expert did say that the male is always above the female - so white spot is officially now Big Poppy (sp?), not Big Mama.
And none of us were about to try to tell him that it was the wrong time of year :)
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