Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Geekiness galore

Big news this week for Guild Wars fans. Finally we have been told there may be a trailer released Thursday for Guild Wars 2, the new game we have been waiting for. Hoping for some news about beta and release dates too.

Then, I found this catchy music video featuring Felicia Day and The GUILD members. The Guild is a Webisode about a group of online gamers, and I am looking forward to their 3rd season.
Do you want to date my avatar.

It's been very hot and humid this week, so I have been doing a lot of reading. After I found out the Diana Gabaldon's newest book in her "Outlander" series is due out in September, I decided to reread them all. If you've read these, you know they are huge books, 900 to 1000 pages. I'm on the fifth one now, one more to go. It's been long enough since I read them for me to remember the broad strokes of the story, but not all the details. I read pretty quickly and can finish most novels in a (long) day if I want, so it makes it hard to put these down, thinking if I read one more hour, I'll be done. Not happening.

We've also been working on our porch stairs, and that has been hot, hot work. Rosie got tired just watching.
Rosie and porch stairs

Any other spare time I have has been spent browsing Blogger, finding so many interesting people out there!

1 comment:

plainolebob said...

my god girl, me and bess was just readin your blog and saw what you was readin , now don't go off and git no eye strain on them there books or youll fall offin them purty new stairs, bess says she thinks rosie is cute, now you gone and done it bess wants a new dog.