Thursday, September 3, 2009

Weeding, not reading


This mass of grass is a garden in our front yard. I really did weed this once but the flowers were overwhelmed. The evening primroses bloomed nicely, but are scraggly now, and the tall old-fashioned chrysanthemums have given up apparently. I found half a dozen single stalks that are just sad.

Ms M and Mr C are visiting Saturday, and I wanted the front to look nice for them, not to mention all the neighbors driving by, tsk tsking and shaking their heads. We checked them out(the mums not the neighbors) at WalMart and Home Depot, because I'm cheap and am happy if half of the plants come back next year. Both stores had tables of half-price plants that looked terrible- all the flowers were dead, browned as if burned. Strange that both stores had so many like that- did they accept delivery of them that way? Did both stores neglect them the exact same way?

Did I mention I'm cheap? Plus I hate to see plants wasted, so I went through all the sale plants, and found 10 that still had green growth and unopened buds. I am their second chance in life! I did splurge on a couple of bigger, healthy plants just in case the browning really is terminal. Now, after two days of weeding and planting the garden looks like a garden again. Ta da!

Amazing, right? Now, grow, darn it.


Michel said...

I heart grass! Last spring a bunch of the blogs I was following were having dueling pics of their gardens/lawns....naturally, i could not let it stand, so I posted about my yard and included my pics.

They were enlightened. NOT A ONE of them had a pile and/or section where they grow plastic shit that resembles trash or a large pile of dirt.

I think they were all just a little enlightened.

Linda said...

Well, if I had known that I wouldn't have carefully edited my pictures to leave out my junk and dirt piles!

♥ Braja said...

that pink flamingo is a comedy waiting to happen....

I'd confess to finding you via Michel but you may find out about the Little Debbie's Anonymous (LDA) which is too similar to LDS which also sounds like backward hallucinogenics....