Sunday, October 3, 2010

Away from home

Ah ha! I remembered what my password was so am able to write a post from R.I. on my parent's computer. Victory!

My father was admitted to the hospital Thursday after having trouble breathing and generally not feeling well. He has been valiantly fighting off dialysis, but heart problems and fluid retention have gotten the best of him. I invited myself down to stay with my mother until he's home again. One benefit of being retired. My 3 sisters do a great job helping when needed, but they all have jobs to work around, while I am free for another month.

I also delivered Mabel home to her parents Saturday, since I was going right by them. Good timing on her behalf, because upon my arrival in R.I. I was greeted by the news that J and Ameranth were on their way to the emergency vet's because of a porcupine encounter. First person account can be read here.

I cannot believe how much money dogs have cost us in just 2 weeks! Yikes. Poor J has a wicked head cold and frankly, I was glad I was getting away, hopefully before I caught it. Doubly glad that I missed the porcupine hullabaloo.

Tomorrow, my father has surgery to install a port in his jugular vein for the dialysis, the idea of which makes me shudder. Oddly, I think he prefers that (out of his line of vision) over the shunt in his arm which was prepared months ago, but did not heal properly large enough.  Ideally, Monday goes smoothly, dialysis starts and he starts feeling better and better. He comes home, I go home and all hell will break loose, I suppose! At my house, not here :)
I snooped around this computer and found a photo of Torsey Lake, one of his favorite spots.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I hope your father is feeling better soon! :)
That is a beautiful picture of the lake, what a gorgeous spot!
I'm off to read about the porcupine encounter.